3 chilling details about Debbie Flores' murder

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Debbie Flores, a Las Vegas showgirl, was strangled to death by her ex-boyfriend Jason “Blu” Omar Griffith during a physical altercation on December 12, 2010.

Griffith then, with the assistance of his roommate, dismembered her body parts and stored them in cement-filled tubs, hiding them away in an abandoned home downtown.

Initially reported as a missing person's case, Flores' disappearance remained unsolved and gained widespread attention for nearly a month. That was until Blu Griffith's roommate, Louis Colombo, led authorities to her dismembered remains on January 7, 2011. Griffith allegedly attacked Flores from behind and choked her to death. He was found guilty of second-degree murder in 2014.

The upcoming premiere episode of ID's Mean Girl Murders, titled Showgirl Showdown, is scheduled to air on Wednesday, December 21, 2022, at 10 pm ET. It will chronicle the 2010 disappearance and subsequent murder of Las Vegas showgirl Debbie Flores.

The episode's synopsis reads:

"In the cutthroat world of Vegas showgirls, Debbie Flores Narvaez isn't afraid to ruffle feathers as she climbs to the top; when Debbie goes missing, investigators must wonder if a jealous dancer or a romantic rival took her out."

Violent relationship with ex-boyfriend, and 2 other chilling details about Debbie Flores' murder

1) Debbie Flores had a violent relationship with ex-boyfriend Blu Griffith

Flores was 31 years old at the time of her murder and allegedly had a violent relationship with her ex-boyfriend Blu Griffith, who accused her of stalking him and even obtained a temporary protective order against her.

Griffith, a New York native who danced on the Cirque Fu Soleil Love show, was accused of punching and kicking her on October 22, 2010, nearly two months before her disappearance.

Debbie was allegedly carrying Griffith's child at the time of the incident on October 22. According to a police report, he tossed her phone across the street, which set off the fight. Sources also stated that Griffith made fourteen 911 calls after disagreements with the victim, but was never taken seriously by the cops.

2) Flores' dismembered body parts were hidden inside cement-filled tubs in an abandoned house

Debbie Flores was reportedly meeting Griffith at his apartment on December 12, 2010, the day she was last seen alive. She was predicted to get her big break with a dance she produced in the Fantasy performance in two days' time. However, when she failed to show up for the life-changing opportunity, her friends knew something was amiss and reported her missing.

During the initial stages of the missing person investigation, Griffith willingly cooperated, admitting that she was at his house on the night she disappeared. Within days, on December 15, authorities found her car abandoned in a backyard.

Weeks later, in January 2011, Griffith's roommate, Louis Colombo, told authorities the whole story, claiming that he saw Flores lying dead in the apartment and Griffith asked him to help dispose of the body. They then dismembered her body and placed the parts in multiple tubs and left them at another friend’s abandoned house.

Twenty-five days after she went missing, Colombo took police to the house and they found Debbie's remains. The cause of death was determined to be asphyxiation due to strangulation. Blue Griffith was arrested and charged with murder.

3) Ex-boyfriend Blu Griffith claimed that he strangled Debbie in an act of self-defense

During the delayed 2014 trial, Griffith testified, claiming that he was defending himself. He stated that when he grabbed her from behind and had his arms around her neck, Debbie tried to reach for her purse. He said he believed there was a gun inside her purse, but no weapon was found at the scene.

After 14 hours of deliberations, the jury found him guilty of second-degree murder. He was sentenced to 10 years to life in prison in July 2014. Sources state that he is still serving time in prison.

Mean Girl Murders premieres on ID with Debbie Flores' case on Wednesday, December 21, 2022, at 10 pm ET.

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