We have much to celebrate at the Jepson School of Leadership Studies during this, our 30th anniversary, year. And celebrate we did on Sept. 17, with a marvelous anniversary gala on Stern Plaza, reminiscent of the School’s dedication ceremony on the same spot on Sept. 9, 1992. School benefactor and University of Richmond alumnus Robert Jepson thanked all those who worked to make his vision for the nation’s first undergraduate school of leadership studies a reality. He challenged us to continue innovating to ensure the Jepson School remains the leader in leadership studies.
So what, exactly, is our special sauce? Our people.
Our faculty make meaningful, substantive contributions to leadership studies. Last month, Dr. George (Al) Goethals received the International Leadership Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award, becoming the sixth Jepson-affiliated faculty member to do so. In August, Dr. Terry Price received University of Richmond’s Distinguished Scholarship Award.
Our illustrious alumni, some of whom are featured in our ongoing profile-raising initiative, elevate the value of a leadership studies degree. They regularly give back to the School through their generous donations and by serving on the Jepson Alumni Corps and the Executive Board of Advisors, speaking to our internship classes, and volunteering for the Jepson EDGE Institute. At our anniversary celebration, I was thrilled to present awards to four such alumni for their professional and service contributions and to reunite with six members of our inaugural Class of 1994, pictured above with me, Bob and Alice Jepson, and founding faculty members Joanne Ciulla and Gill Hickman. Thank you, all!
Our students represent the future of the School and leadership. They will take what they learn here into the world to benefit our democracy, workplaces, and communities.
I hope to see many of you at Homecoming this weekend or at one of our upcoming programs. In the meantime, enjoy reading this issue of the Jepson Update. We are #LeadingTheWay!
Best wishes,
Sandra J. Peart
Dean and E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Professor in Leadership Studies
President, Jepson Scholars Foundation