Why did Bobby Green go to prison? Revisiting UFC star's jail time at the age of 21

May 2024 ยท 4 minute read

UFC fighter Bobby Green has had a rather tumultuous upbringing. Green grew up as a foster child from the age of 5 and was adopted by Jacob Benny, who is also his coach.

After seeing hardships in his early childhood, life didn't become easy for the UFC lightweight as he was arrested when he was just 21 years old. Green was busted for driving a car that did not belong to him. Despite suggesting that he paid for the car, the court did not believe his story as he couldn't produce the correct paperwork.

As a result, Bobby Green was handed a 90-day imprisonment. His time in jail wasn't ideal well. 'King' later revealed that he passed gace in an officer's face while he was being searched. This didn't help his case as Green was put into solitary confinement for 10 days.

It's safe to say that MMA came as a blessing in Green's life and the sport has helped 'King' to make a good life for himself.

Bobby Green returns to the Octagon on December 2

Bobby Green returned to the octagon at UFC Vegas 80 against Grant Dawson. Despite being an underdog heading into the fight, Green upset the odds as he secured a TKO victory by finishing Dawson in 33 seconds of the very first round.

Following his victory, 'King' sat down at the post-fight press conference where he spoke about how he plans on returning in December. While suggesting that he would need to get his hand checked for a potential injury before deciding on his future, Green said:

"I just got to go check out my hand a little bit. Start slamming a little hammer fist, ever since Tony, when I was smashing Tony's head, I kind of messed it up a little bit that one, and then I was kinda like, 'I'll get through it, I'll just get through it, I'll just tough it out.' I just keep toughing this stuff out but I'm like now, I felt it more when I started hammer fisting him [Grant Dawson]. I'm like, 'Oh jeez, maybe I fu*ked something up.' So, get an X-ray and then I'll know from there but if I'm good I wanna fight in December."

Catch Green's comments in the video below (3:30):

Bobby Green's wish to compete in December was fulfilled as he was booked to fight City Kickboxing standout Dan Hooker at the UFC Austin event scheduled to take place on Dec. 2, 2023. However, was forced out of the fight due to an arm injury and underwent surgery.

Jalin Turner has stepped up to take on Bobby Green as the replacement opponent. He is coming off back-to-back split-decision losses to Dan Hooker and Mateusz Gamrot in his most recent outings.

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