Hall of Famer Deion Sanders' adopted son, Jaquan Sheals, has been out of the limelight for a good few years now. As such, many people are likely wondering where the young man is now and what he's been doing ever since.
As of 2023, the most current, easily accessible information for Deion Sanders' adopted son, Jaquan Sheals, is on YouTube.
A small YouTube channel called IMPECCABLE FITNESS featured Sheals sharing numerous workout videos. On the channel's About section, Sheals is described as the owner and personal trainer at the gym.
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More about Jaquan Sheals
Before that, in 2019, Jaquan Sheals was listed as a freshman at Wilkes University. He played as a running back for the school's football team, the Colonels.
The 5-foot-8, 175-pound RB was named Male Athlete of the Week from Oct. 20-26 by The Wilkes Beacon after he recorded 154 yards and one touchdown in the Colonels' win over the Misericordia Cougars.
Sheals was a Sports Management major at Wilkes. In the interview, he revealed the reason why he decided to go for the school:
"I decided to attend Wilkes University because the school gives me a chance to capitalize on my dreams, future and family."Aside from that, he also made it clear that he wants to continue his football career. And to top it off, he expressed a desire to get deeper into business.
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Deion Sanders' adopted son also appeared in the reality series "Deion's Family Playbook," which aired in 2014 on the Oprah Winfrey Network (via The Paley Center for Media).
In the show, Sheals Sanders was mentioned as being known by the nickname "Florida." He was also shown getting a haircut at the Colorado coach's in-home barber shop.
Here is a short video of Sanders and his girlfriend, Tracey Edmonds, meeting Oprah in 2014:
Earlier in 2016, Sheals made the rounds online after joining the football team of the prestigious Cheshire Academy boarding school.
As reported by USAToday, Sheals joined a few other students on the team with elite football roots. This included Coby Tippett, who is the son of Pro Football Hall of Famer Andre Tippett (formerly of the New England Patriots).
Deion Sanders' Other Kids
Aside from Jaquan Sheals, Deion Sanders has five other children:
- Deiondra, 31
- Deion Jr., 29
- Shilo, 23
- Shedeur, 21
- Shelomi, 18
Deion Jr., Shilo and Shedeur quickly followed in their father's footsteps as a football player. Deion Jr. previously played for SMU. Shilo played for the University of South Carolina and Jackson State, and Shedeur is currently in the running for the Heisman as a member of the Colorado Buffaloes.
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