UK student Sophia Rosing apologizes for alleged Kylah Spring assault, pleads not guilty of charges

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Sophia Rosing, arrested for allegedly assaulting and hurling racial slurs at fellow student Kylah Spring, was released on bail after she pleaded not guilty. Rosing appeared in front of the District Criminal court at 1 pm on Monday, November 7, 2022, through a video conference.

Photos showing Rosing leaving the Fayette County Detention Center, accompanied by her parents, Jill and Don Rosing, surfaced online on Monday night. Her parents paid her bail bond, which was set at $10,000.

As per her bail condition, she is now banned from returning to the dormitory or contacting Kylah, as well as drinking alcohol.

"I am not a racist": Sophia Rosing says her intoxicated state prompted her to hurl racial slurs

On Monday evening, Rosing posted three stories on her Instagram, where she pleaded with everyone not to "judge her" as she was "under the influence."

She apologized, saying:

"I was under the influence I'm sorry please don't judge me I lost everything."

She followed it with another story, stating:

"I understand a apology may not help but I am not a racist I was under the influence I lost everything literally & now have to fear for my life god forgives please understand."

Her third story stated:

"If you guys knew I was under the influence why record me this was literally my senior year."

Netizens promptly called her out for her shallow apologies, narcissistic comments, and victim blaming.

Students and the campus community at the University of Kentucky came out to march in support of Kylah Springs on Monday, November 7, 2022. The procession started at the William T. Young Library and ended at the Bowman statue on campus.

While there has been no further communication from Rosing or her family, the internet is blowing up with demands that the University of Kentucky expel her for her actions.

Why was Sophia Rosing arrested?

Sophia Rosing hails from Kentucky and is currently enrolled at the University of Kentucky for a double major in business marketing and merchandizing, apparel, and textiles.

The 22-year-old senior was arrested on Sunday, November 6, at the dorms on campus in Lexington, Kentucky. Soon videos of the incident showing an inebriated Rosing hurling racial slurs and physically assaulting Kylah Spring went viral.

She subsequently faced charges of intoxication in a public space, second-degree disorderly conduct, third-degree assault on a police officer, and fourth-degree assault.

Since then, other clips of her problematic behavior have surfaced online, which exhibit previous instances of racist comments, biting, and public intoxication. In one of them, Sophia Rosing can be heard saying:

"I'm rich as f**k and you're obviously not compared to what you're wearing and I can sue you and you can't do s**t about it especially because you don't know my f**king last name."

Some netizens have said that Rosing has a pattern of assault and that her parents are to blame. She was also fired from her social media marketing intern and visual merchandising manager position at Dillard's.

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