Outback introduces new Tasmanian Chili, Over-the-Top Brussels Sprouts, and Colossal Tots to its menu

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Adding new Tasmanian Chili, Over-the-Top Brussels Sprouts, and Colossal Tots to their menu, Outback is now all set to satisfy their customers' cravings with three new food items.

Created in 1988 in Tampa, Florida, by four friends who had worked in the hospitality industry, Outback Steakhouse is now a global casual dining leader, with over 250 franchised restaurants in 19 countries across Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, etc.

The founders of the steakhouse built the chain with a vision of a space that boasts a relaxed atmosphere, with a heavy emphasis on great cuisine and service. They had a "No Rules, Just Right" philosophy, took food extremely seriously, and worked on the concept that nothing should stand in the way of gratifying the client.

Outback has introduced three new items to the menu: Tasmanian Chili, Over-the-Top Brussels Sprouts, and Colossal Tots

The Tasmanian Chili, first made available in 2021 at a few select locations, has no beans and features juicy, tender steak bites combined with just the right amount of spice to keep your taste buds in check. The recipe for the dish has won the brand's chef many chili competitions throughout Texas.

Tasmanian Chili is available at Outback in two serving sizes, a cup or a bowl, at a suggested price of $5.49 and $7.99, respectively, although it may vary. Here are the nutritional values of this dish:

In addition, Outback's Over-the-Top Brussels Sprouts is a brand new freshly prepared side dish consisting of roasted Brussels sprouts. Parsley, Fresno chili, and lemon aioli are added as finishing touches to the dish.

Over-The-Top Brussel Sprouts (left) and Colossal Tots (right) (Image via Outback Steakhouse)

Last but not least, the chain's new Colossal Tots are enormous tater tots loaded with different types of cheese including Parmesan, Cheddar, and Jack as well as bacon and jalapenos, served with a side of Bloomin' Blonde beer cheese sauce for dipping.

Brussels sprouts and Colossal Tot orders typically cost $5.99 and $9.99, respectively, though prices can fluctuate.

Outback will provide free appetizers and desserts as part of its "No Rules Day" promotion

On January 31, 2023, Outback plans to demonstrate its commitment to "No Rules, Just Right" by providing free appetizers and desserts.

Fans can simply visit a participating Outback restaurant on January 31, 2023, and tell their server it's "No Rules Day" to receive a complimentary Aussie-tizer or dessert, with no purchase necessary. The complete list of appetizers and desserts now offered by Outback is as follows:



Be sure to taste the latest introductions to the menu at your nearest Outback Steakhouse!

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