Shrek is a charming dude, but he's gross. Sorry, Fiona, but he is. His farts can kill fish, he makes stew out of swamp rats, and he's a butt scratcher. Also, he picks wax out of his ear and uses it to make candles. But he's animated, and he's an ogre, so most people would agree that he can pretty much do whatever he wants. Still, the whole earwax candle thing sort of begs the question — could that actually be done? It's wax, right?
But it's really too gross to contemplate, so of course no one would ever try it. Except the MythBusters did, because they don't shy away from gross myths. They just make Grant do it.
Yes, the MythBusters really did test the earwax candle myth. They didn't harvest their own earwax, though, instead getting the wax from a local ear/nose/throat doctor who saved the stuff he collected from hundreds of patients. The team melted it down, but Grant reported that it smelled so awful he couldn't bring himself to complete the test. Everyone else tried to make it into a working candle, but they were also unsuccessful. So, busted, with one small problem — the ear wax wasn't actually ogre ear wax, so can they really be sure?