Meet Thomas Robb Daughter, Rachel Pendergraft

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Thomas Robb Daughter, Rachel Pendergraft, is enjoying fame right now. Who would not when their father is a prominent figure, one that is almost a household name out there?

In this article, we shall discuss who she is.

When people become popular, everyone around them gets their share of the spotlight. Most often they try to keep themselves away from it, but there is still a way people get to know them and whatever they do.

What is the case with Thomas Robb daughter, Rachel Pendergraft? We will tell you how much information we have about her. Kindly follow this article for all the gist.

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Who is Thomas Robb?

Thomas Robb daughter is enjoying the spotlight because of her father, so who is Thomas Robb? Learn more about him in this section of the article.

American white nationalist, Ku Klux Klan chief, and Christian Identity pastor Thomas Robb was born in 1946.

He assumed leadership of the group in 1989 and is currently the National Director of The Knights Party, also known as the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

Robb was raised in Tucson, Arizona, after being born in Detroit, Michigan.

He studied in Colorado for college.

In December 2022, Robb was serving as the pastor of the Christian Revival Center in Zinc, Arkansas, a Christian Identity organization where he promoted anti-Semitism and racism.

The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which had been formerly led by David Duke, were taken over by Robb in 1989.

In an effort to garner approval from the general public, he changed the name of the group to “The Knights Party” and adopted the title “National Director” instead of “Imperial Wizard”.

Additionally, he chose to accept members via mail-in forms rather than the traditional initiation ceremonies used by the Klan in the past.

Thomas Robb argues that the Klan is a benign organization because it is “gentle, upbeat, and friendly”; in the PBS program Banished, Robb compared a Klan hood to a man’s tie and said, “It’s just tradition”.

Robb has remained connected to other far-right organizations; he has spoken at the annual “World Congress” of hate group leaders held by the Aryan Nations, appeared on Jamie Kelso’s Voice of Reason Radio Network, and frequently posts on the Stormfront white nationalist forum.

Robb pioneered the idea that white people were the target of genocide in 1996.

What does Thomas Robb daughter do? What is known about her?

Quarterly publication The Crusader is produced by Robb’s Party.

Robb penned a front-page piece titled “Make America Great Again” in The Crusader in November 2016, only a few days before the presidential election, in which he gave a lengthy endorsement of Donald Trump and his platform.

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The Crusader was condemned in response by the Trump campaign.

Niko Omilana, an English YouTuber who pretended to be a BBC journalist while filming in Zinc and Harrison, produced a video in May 2022 detailing his adventures there.

In an interview with Robb that is included in the video, Robb unintentionally calls out bogus Instagram users whose names phonetically represent words like “BLM.”

Thomas Robb Daughter: Who is Rachel Pendergraft?

Thomas Robb daughter, his only child, is Rachel Pendergraft. There is not much information about her early life and educational background.

The “white nationalist” band Heritage Connection was founded in 2009 by Rachel Pendergraft, Robb’s daughter, and Charity and Shelby Pendergraft, his grandchildren.
